
a photo of Shannon Spence

Shannon Spence

Shannon is from Hampton, Virginia and lives in Jersey City, NJ. She started making comics in 2021 and started the Comix Accountability Club in 2022 when she decided she needed some help. Now, she runs it with her friends. She makes mainly goblins in risograph, including her series Punk Lab Girl and CART zine.

a photo of Ryan B

Ryan B

Ryan B. is the Vice President of the Comix Accountability Club and founder/organizer of the Staunton Underground Comics and Zine Fest (SUCZ). Ryan's work is mainly focused around creating comics and toys for all ages. You can find out more at his website:


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digital drawing of Yuki Clarke

Yuki Clarke

Yuki is a Baltimore based cartoonist who's worked on comics and illustration since the moment she could hold a pencil and holds a strong love for all forms of sequential art.
Her primary series project is called ""Rita & Josey"", a sapphic sci fi comic set both on Earth and Mars following the titular characters through their adventures to uncover the mysteries of their shared past, special powers they hold, the planet Mars, and their relationship together. She also works on other short comics and gag strips.

a digital drawing of a dragon head circled by four feathers.

Feather Dragon Art

Feather is a mixed media memoirist and experimental hobbyist working to find new and novel ways to tell a story.

a digital drawing of a goat with the text 'Made by Goat Punch'

Goat Punch

Goat is a NYC-based comic artist with a background in science and education. They are interested in creating stories about monstrous unknown worlds, the joy of discovery, and love in all the forms it takes.
They started their comic journey with their webcomic, Girls Like You, which has since accumulated 3.6 million views and 34k subscribers on Tapas. They have worked on several self-published mini comics and are now looking to dive into the physical publishing world."

Phillip Keiffer

Phillip “Phil” Kieffer is a cartoonist living in Lancaster, PA. He is a graduate and former adjunct teacher from the Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, where he majored in Digital Media, and focused on 2D animation. Phil was inspired to start making comics in 2023 after meeting the Comix Accountability Club at Lancaster Zine Fest. His first self-published comic “Mestizo” is a loving memoir about his time living abroad in the Philippines. “Mestizo” was made possible by one of the first comix “mini-grants” provided by the Comix Accountability Club.